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Catch-Up Contributions

A recent survey found that 18% of workers are very confident about having enough money ...

The post Catch-Up Contributions first appeared on Integrated Tax Planning, Legal Planning & Financial Planning.

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Disability and Your Finances

The Social Security Disability Insurance program paid out over $150 billion in benefits in 2023. ...

The post Disability and Your Finances first appeared on Integrated Tax Planning, Legal Planning & Financial Planning.

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US Companies Are The Innovation Leaders

We watch many economic trends and business issues evolve as a financial professional. The rapid ...

The post US Companies Are The Innovation Leaders first appeared on Integrated Tax Planning, Legal Planning & Financial Planning.

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Financial Matters You Must Consider in a Second Marriage

June 18, 2018

Day to day financial management, liabilities and assets are all of unique concern to people in second marriages or blended families. Whether you are remarrying after the death of a spouse or after a divorce, it is important to enter into this with new and smart financial planning.blended-families-estate-planning

There are many different things to consider, including how you will address your future financial wishes and your current financial situation. It helps to begin with a comprehensive review of your liabilities as well as your assets. These liabilities can include student loan debt, credit card balances, mortgages, car loans and more. Your assets can include a house, stocks, bank accounts, cars, insurance contracts and more.

The day to day financial obligations should also be addressed with a new spouse. How will the monthly bills get paid? Some couples choose to put everything in a joint account, whereas others choose to have separate checking account and split their expenses in that manner. No matter what you select, it’s important to engage with an estate planning lawyer and a financial advisor to help.

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Recent Posts
Catch-Up Contributions

A recent survey found that 18% of workers are very confident about having enough money ...

The post Catch-Up Contributions first appeared on Integrated Tax Planning, Legal Planning & Financial Planning.

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Disability and Your Finances

The Social Security Disability Insurance program paid out over $150 billion in benefits in 2023. ...

The post Disability and Your Finances first appeared on Integrated Tax Planning, Legal Planning & Financial Planning.

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US Companies Are The Innovation Leaders

We watch many economic trends and business issues evolve as a financial professional. The rapid ...

The post US Companies Are The Innovation Leaders first appeared on Integrated Tax Planning, Legal Planning & Financial Planning.

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