Five Things You Can Accomplish with Estate Planning for Your Children
August 15, 2017
Your children are probably some of the most important people in your life. Parents spend a lot of time worrying about and thinking about their children’s future.
Spending time with your children over the summer holidays can reignite concerns about what will happen to them after you pass away. This is a natural inclination that may even prompt you to schedule a meeting with an estate planning attorney. Although estate planning certainly has individual benefits for the person putting together the materials, it also has many advantages associated with your children or your grandchildren. There are five primary ways that properly structuring your estate plan and consulting with a knowledgeable attorney can assist you. These include:
- Protecting benefits for a disabled child.
- Protecting the inheritance that you leave behind for children.
- Ensuring future vacations at the family vacation home.
- Assisting adult children with health care decisions.
- Providing for someone to step in and care for your minor children in the event that you pass away.
All of these crucial issues can be addressed typically in one or a series of meetings with the right estate planning lawyer. Many people put off the prospect of estate planning because they assume that they do not need it or that it is too time consuming or expensive. However, scheduling a consultation now will give you an overview of all of the different things that can be accomplished with the right lawyer.