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Have You Thought Through Your Final Arrangements and Documented it for Your Next of Kin?

November 2, 2021

One of the hardest parts of dealing with the loss of a loved is being asked to make decisions and make financial commitments about final arrangements. Unfortunately, however, this is also one of the first decisions that comes up when a loved one passes away. You can minimize the possibility of challenges with this by having a consultation with an estate planning attorney well in advance and talking through your options.

The support of a lawyer can help you to clarify your wishes when it comes to final arrangements and you can make things much easier for your loved ones during this challenging time to be able to act quickly and follow through on those wishes that you have. The endless options can be overwhelming to confront when dealing with the loss of a loved so by putting this in writing and making it easy for your loved ones to find after you pass away, you won’t leave your family to guess.

You can create a declaration of disposition of last remains to help give these important instructions to your family members quickly. This is very important if cremation is desired because otherwise some funeral homes or next of kin might have to petition the county’s district court for permission to cremate remains depending on your location. You can make this much easier on your family by giving them exact instructions so that they do not have to deal with the additional confusion.

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