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How to Do an End-of-Year Financial Inventory

December 2, 2022

There’s no better way to capitalize on the energy of the end of one year and the beginning of another than to tap into your review and planning strategies. If you have goals you want to achieve, you need to know where you’re starting from first. This is why it’s so powerful to sit down and look over the past year while thinking about what you intend to achieve and other factors that may influence your year ahead.

For example, many people are spending winter 2023 thinking about a possible recession and the best way to protect themselves. You might be adjusting your income expectations because you’ve launched a side hustle or because you’ll need to take care of a loved one with health problems.

Either way, your planning process all starts with know how 2022 went for you. Here are some things to consider and some questions to ask as you get things in order for the energy of the new year:

  • Is your financial plan up to date? Does it reflect your current goals? When is the last time you revisited your emergency plan or retirement savings allocations?
  • Does your estate plan equip the right people to make decisions or take actions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so? Does your plan properly pass on all the assets you own in the most tax-advantaged way?
  • Do you have a plan for a potential disability, such as disability insurance?
  • Are you using a budgeting app to help you stay on track with your spending goals? Do you need to adjust those expectations of spending with inflation in mind?
  • Have you met with your financial planner recent to walk through your investing strategy? If it’s been some time since you talked about your risk tolerance, now may be a perfect opportunity to open that discussion again.

We’re here to help you if you need more information about these and other financial topics. Schedule a year-end review now.

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