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How to Get More Aggressive with Your Investment Strategy

December 8, 2022

There are different kinds of risk you may be willing to tolerate in different phases of your life or depending on your knowledge of investing as a whole. It’s not uncommon to revisit your strategies and discuss more risk tolerance if you’re hoping to potentially get more returns, but it’s also wise to have this conversation with your financial advisor first. To get more aggressive growth in your investment portfolio, you need to take on more risk in most cases. This does not mean a total 180 from a more conservative approach, since risk can come in a few forms. Working with your financial professional will help you figure out the level at which you’re comfortable taking on these challenges.

Many aggressive investors look at improving their returns by taking on more risk. Rather than creating a financial safety net or a future stream of income, these investors look at primarily capital appreciation. A smaller portion of their portfolio may be made up with fixed-income assets, bonds, or cash. Most portfolios with a heavier investment tolerance for risk look at a bigger portion of equities and stocks.

Most financial experts don’t recommend putting all of your nest egg at risk for some of the ups and downs of the market. Instead, they may recommend putting aside a certain portion of your savings with this more aggressive strategy. That ensures that you have the potential for some upside without such a dangerous downside risk that you’ve put years of hard work on the table. At Shah Total Planning, we work with you to determine an investment strategy that meets your needs without compromising many of your goals. Reach out to schedule a call with us today to discuss all your options.

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