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Simplifying Retirement Withdrawals for Couples: Let’s Talk Tax Brackets

July 28, 2023

Hey there! We’re going to chat about an important topic today that has to do with your future: retirement withdrawals. Sounds a bit complex, doesn’t it? Well, don’t worry because we’re going to break it down and make it as easy as possible. And here’s the cool part, we’re mainly going to focus on couples. Ready to dig in? Let’s go!

Retirement withdrawals, for most people, involve drawing funds from their retirement savings like a 401(k) or an IRA (Individual Retirement Account). That’s the money you’ve been diligently setting aside for your golden years, so it’s important to be smart about how you use it.

Now, here’s the tricky bit. When you start to withdraw this money, it can affect your taxes. And for couples, it can get a bit more complex because your combined income can push you into higher tax brackets. What does this mean? It means you could end up giving more of your hard-earned money to the taxman.

But here’s the good news: you can plan how to withdraw your money to minimize the taxes you pay.

For instance, you could consider taking withdrawals from a tax-deferred account like a traditional IRA or 401(k) until your income reaches the top of a tax bracket. Then, you might want to switch to withdrawals from a Roth IRA, which are tax-free.

It’s also crucial to consider the age at which you start withdrawing. Taking withdrawals before age 59.5 might result in a penalty. After age 70.5, you may be required to make withdrawals whether you need the money or not!

You can read more about this topic in this FA Magazine article.

Does this all sound like a lot to take in? Trust us, you’re not alone. Making decisions about your retirement savings and how it can impact your taxes is complex, and that’s why professionals are here to help.

Remember, the goal isn’t just about saving; it’s about planning how you will use those savings in the best way for you and your partner. Every couple’s situation is unique, and a strategy that works for one might not work for another.

Here’s where Shah Total Planning comes in. Our team is skilled at crafting unique strategies that suit your individual needs. Don’t let the complexity of retirement withdrawals and tax brackets leave you feeling overwhelmed. Reach out to us at Shah Total Planning, and let’s work together on creating the best strategy for your retirement.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get planning. Your future deserves the best possible strategy. Let Shah Total Planning help guide your way.

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