These Four Habits Can Increase Your Chances of Retirement Savings Success
August 23, 2017
Whether you’re just entering your working years or looking towards retirement, how you save can impact your life after you’re doing working in a big way. Planning ahead can help you achieve targets that give you peace of mind later in life, even if that period is not that far away. New research shows there are major changes happening with regard to retirement savings and the U.S. workforce.
Are you one of the nearly 70% of Americans worried about their financial future? There is good reason to worry for plenty of people because research from the Economic Policy Institute indicates that half of all Americans have no retirement savings at all. Some young individuals, however, have been dubbed retirement super savers and are on their way toward increased prosperity. They’re contributing at least 90% of their annual 401(k) contribution limit. A study completed by Principle Financial Group identified what made those super savers likely to sacrifice things in their life in order to maximize their 401(k) contributions. Four habits of these super savers include:
- Driving an older car
- Living in a modest home
- Forgoing the fancy vacations
- Working a little bit harder
If you are interested in putting together a retirement plan that works in conjunction with your goals to pass on things to your loved ones in the future, consulting with an experienced New Jersey estate planning attorney is strongly recommended. Becoming a super saver is a worthwhile goal but one that requires careful prospective from many different areas. Engaging with professionals who are knowledgeable about the estate planning and retirement planning landscape can increase your chances of putting aside enough money to support you in your older years and also empowering you to leave money behind for beneficiaries or for philanthropic purposes. Consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney is one crucial component of this step.