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Two Things That Come First In Creating Your Financial Plan

January 6, 2023

At the beginning of the new year, it’s important to capitalize on the resolution-making strategy and energy of this period. This means you may be taking a look at your financial plan and strategy and deciding how you’ll move forward. Whether you have an established financial plan but haven’t reviewed it in some time, or this is your first time making that effort, there are two components that must be considered first.

 These are risk protection and your family. Risk protection is thinking about having an appropriate emergency fund and not just $1,000 set aside for an unexpected general emergency. Once you’ve set aside a general emergency small fund, you’ll want to think about trying to set aside three to six months of living expenses, in case you have unexpected medical bills or job loss.

This gives you peace of mind that if something you did not anticipate happens, you will not be in the midst of dealing with a crisis situation while trying to figure out your next steps. From there, you’ll be able to determine what investments are most appropriate with your risk tolerance levels and lifestyle needs. Protecting your family is a key concern for most people developing financial plans and strategies. We have extensive experience in working with everyone from individuals to family members to business owners who are all thinking about comprehensively addressing their financial planning needs. If you have further questions about how to approach this process and set yourself up for success. Schedule a time to meet with our firm and discuss your existing or potentially new financial plan for 2023.

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