What Is Your Legacy Going to Be?
July 29, 2019
Are you thinking about how you can best leave behind a legacy of financial support and love for your family, but haven’t taken the necessary steps to put together an estate plan? According to plenty of research, you’re not alone. Estate planning is often an overlooked as an opportunity to protect your loved ones and yet it can also be one of the most important things you do, not just to protect your future beneficiaries but also to protect your own interests in the future.
There are several different steps that you can take to ensure that your assets and money don’t end up being spent on taxes and legal fees, rather than being used to support your family. Another common misstep that can be made in the estate planning process is forgetting to line item name the prized possessions that you hoped to pass on to certain loved ones.
You don’t want these items ending up in the wrong hands. Although your dreams and goals might change as you move through varying stages of life, and add or remove certain people from your world, one thing never changes: to achieve any goal or dream, you have to have a plan. Your dreams likely reflect what you’re hoping for yourself in your older years, in retirement and also what you hope for your children as far as what you leave behind for them as beneficiaries.
Sitting down with an experienced and dedicated estate planning lawyer gives you the chance to answer all of these questions with a knowledgeable professional who knows many of the most common obstacles and missteps made by people approaching estate planning.