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What Makes an Accountant Distinct From A Financial Advisor?

July 7, 2022

As you look comprehensively at your financial plan and what you hope to accomplish in the coming years, it’s a good idea to evaluate your talent bench too. Many different people might make up your financial services team and can help you to answer important questions, update your strategies as needed, and assist you with reaching your ultimate financial goals.

A financial advisor helps you select an investment strategy, assist with the creation of your financial plan, and can also consider the various tax impacts of financial tools and strategies. While most people are familiar with accountants in the context of providing tax advice and completing your annual tax return, sometimes your accountant may also have insight on more advanced issues as well. For example, if you are self-employed or have a successful side hustle business, an accountant can be an invaluable adviser to tell you more about when you may wish to move from sole proprietor or LLC status to S Corp status.

Likewise, an estate planning lawyer may be another professional that you engage to assist you with creating both an individual estate plan and a business succession plan for the future of your company. A financial advisor is someone who has communication with all of these different individuals, and considers how all of this information fits together like the pieces of a puzzle. Your financial advisor reviews all of these different inputs from your retirement strategy, your estate plan, your life insurance portfolio, and your individual goals to help ensure that you’re currently on track with the possibility of achieving them.

We are passionate about helping you think about your financial strategy across the board to protect your interests. We think it’s all connected and that choosing the right team can have a big impact on your level of success.

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