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Why You Need A Plan for Your Estate No Matter Your Stage in Life

February 12, 2020

There are so many misconceptions surrounding the process and the need for estate planning. It’s all too easy to brush this off or assume that you don’t make enough money, aren’t old enough or don’t have enough unique considerations to put you at the top of your list for an estate planning priority. But these misunderstandings and misperceptions can have far-reaching implications for your loved ones, regardless of your current stage of life.

During College

During and right after college, it’s important to have necessary health care and medical power of attorney documents, including updated beneficiaries on all accounts, durable power of attorney for finances, and durable power of attorney for health care.

Getting Married

When getting married, it is important to expand your estate planning toolkit to include wills, like advance directives and updated beneficiaries on all accounts.

Starting A Family

Updating your will to ensure that you have appointed a guardian to step in and take care of your minor child if you are unable to do so is important. Other issues to consider include legacy building and the connection to your overall finances.

Scheduling a consultation with a knowledgeable estate planning lawyer today can help you to understand the many different ways that your life can be affected by estate planning. You can protect yourself and your loved ones.       

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