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Why Your Business Lawyer and Estate Planning Lawyer Should Meet

July 17, 2023

Are you a business owner? If you are, you might have a business lawyer to help you with legal matters related to your company. And if you’ve thought about your future, you might also have an estate planning lawyer, someone who helps you decide what happens to your assets when you’re no longer around.

But here’s a question – have these two important people in your life ever met? If not, you might be missing out on some key benefits.

The reason is simple. Your business is a big part of your estate. When you plan for your future, your company should be a part of that plan. And who knows your business better than your business lawyer?

If your business lawyer and your estate planning lawyer have a meeting, they can discuss the best way to handle your business in the future. They can consider many different things, like how to reduce taxes and how to best distribute your business assets. They can also help you to plan for possible risks, like lawsuits or bankruptcy.

Let’s say, for example, that you want your business to continue after you’re gone. Your business lawyer and estate planning lawyer can help you to create a plan that ensures your company can still operate, even if you’re not there to run it.

Or maybe you want to sell your business and use the money for your retirement. Again, having these two professionals work together can help you to achieve this goal in the most beneficial way.

So, if your business lawyer and estate planning lawyer have not met, it’s time to introduce them. Their collaboration could provide a great benefit to you and your business’s future.

At Shah Total Planning, we understand the importance of integrated business and estate planning. If you have any questions or need assistance with your business and estate planning, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to make sure your plans work perfectly, not just for your business, but for your life too. Your future is our focus, and we’re ready to help you secure it.

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