New Study Looks at Underrepresented Voices in the Investing World
September 14, 2022
What did your parents teach you about investing? Whether you got an education at home about the power of saving and investing or you got it elsewhere or not at all, it’s important to think about how your personal goals connect to your opinions and habits related to regular investing.

A new study from JP Morgan Wealth Management asked over 2000 Americans across different wealth, gender, and race levels to share their thoughts about making investments. The study found significant differences based on demographic profiles for how people feel about choosing to or the ability to invest.
For example, survey respondents who identified as Hispanic or Black cared more about the social impact of the companies they chose to invest in and also wanted to have more control over their investment than other respondents. The biggest concerns for nearly 90% of survey respondents were current interest rates and rising inflation.
When exploring investment perceptions on gender, women tend to be more cautious with their investments than men, although many women have improved their feelings of financial security when compared with five years ago.
Understanding your personal goals and your sentiments towards investing overall can help you to craft a financial strategy aligned with your individual needs. We sit down with each of our clients to discuss their specific concerns and goals for the future to align this with strategies, documents, plans, and regular check-ins to ensure that you are on track to achieve your goals. For more information, schedule a consultation with us today.